EVEN the gods will frown against those who show indifference on issues of suitability concerning succession of leaders across board. Lessons have been learnt. No excuses would be entertained. Nigerians are yearning for leaders who are selfless, incorruptible, less covetous and sensitive to their pleas; to be voted in this time around, the Lord willing.
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I ONCE asked a very pertinent question from which I received series of commendation from members of the reading public many of whom now constitute my ardent audiences on social media and other outfits. And I am tempted to replay it here again in brief summary. In the said write up I conspicuously spelt out the suitability of having the current Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo to succeed the current President Mohammadu Buhari. And how easy that would’ve been if his kindred would gone for that dummy as a monoquine of sort in place of someone else.
I COULDN’T believe how, in our present circumstances would Nigerians or the Yoruba tribe who are desirous of leadership for instance; be so shallow minded to prefer one of Tinubu’s calibre who has long been out of government and has been busy fully committed in playing the rule of a “King maker” over the years against one of their own in the person of Professor Yemi Osinbajo, a robustly endowed human being, Professor of Law who is presently in government as the Vice Present to the incumbent. And one who stand the chances of replacing his principal any day with maximum pressure on him to vie and the principal being persuaded by a preponderance of party members across for the current President Mohammadu Buhari to concede in Line with the provision enshrined in the APC Constitution and that of the land.
THAT to me is rational thinking and makes a lot of sense and shows a united people whom the Yoruba’s have always been in contention with other rival forces than the various preachificity and clamor from a few who maybe doing so purely for pecuniary gains.
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ONE would’ve thought earnestly that since it was alleged that Alhaji Bola Tinubu was instrumental to Osinbajo becoming the Vice President to Buhari, he would’ve simply urged the president at all cost to consider handing over the leadership of the country to his deputy who is already with him and a man of honour and one who now knows first hand of much of what problems the country is facing. He will be more sensitive to the plight of those expressing difficulties to meet targets of the unfinished projects the current president may leave behind eventually since both of them were together in agreement (as it should be) to the many policies and programs enunciated by government which are ongoing as priority project’s of this administration including areas of funding.
WE all know for instance that it would have been quite difficult for the people of the South South regions where I come from being a minority tribe in Nigeria to have convinced those of the East and part of Northwest and those in the Middlebelt areas to agree to have somebody from that area to deputize Late president Musa Yar’adua. But because the former President Dr. Good Luck Ebele Jonathan was already at that moment the Vice President to Ya’dua it became difficult for those from other regions who may have been nursing such ambition to lay claims to it. Hence all those aspiring had to soft pedal and concede.. The whole country did not hesitate to settle for Goodluck Jonathan even when he is known to come from the least of places with less voting strength, being Bayelsa.
ONE would equally have felt that It would’ve been quite easy to carry-on with such programs initiated by the President when he leaves office more by a person who knows why they were mooted out in the first place and the reasons why they both men decided on those particular projects as priorities to which huge funds have been committed already to get it started. He will be in a good position to appreciate the commitments of those saddled or put in charge of its implementation much more than a fresher which Tinubu’s presidency or whoever for that matter would’ve meant?
NIGERIA at this period does not need an experimental presidency or one with too many baggage and friends to satisfy. Even when and where we should, it shouldn’t be one who is alleged to have skeletons in his cupboard as it is being echoed unfortunately of Alhaji Bola Tinubu.
READ ALSO: 2023: TINUBU will take the country to the gutters – BODE GEORGE
WE need someone with an insight into the practical workable solutions to Nigeria’s teeming problems and one who has been the right hand man of Mr. President as a Vice and has the knowledge of where the past president would’ve stopped and the commitments involved thereto. We need someone who has been in the job or someone who is not sentimental or one who does not see himself already as a semi god, the type of air most of his beneficiaries have forced the Jagaban to exude and deservedly so.
I AM not in any way against the candidacy of our party’s National leader Alhaji Ahmed Bola Tinubu, the unmovable rock. The Lord forbid. I am merely stating the obvious as a true party man and one who is rational in his thought and not sentimental or hankering for recognition from anyone for the convert purpose of being compensated. I try to say the truth the way I see them. After all, Prof. Osinbajo who is today deputising President Buhari, was brought onboard by the National leader himself to be made the Vice President. It will be a thing of joy if he continues thenceforth as the President of the country. That would’ve been an easy thing to sell than going the whole Hugh trying to market an unmarketable individual more so because of the controversies surrounding his nature and activities.
This is just my own opinion. And I think I am entitled to it as a sincere party man and an opinion molder.
AND one thing readily comes to mind in view of these whole scenario. And I tern to feel that for Alhaji Tinubu to ever show interest in becoming the president going by the implications of the leader’s intention to run for the office which he publicly announced recently considering the mood of the country and the perception of people towards his candidacy is beyond the realms of conjecturing and therefore pregnant with various impressions.
One of such impressions could be either that the APC Leader, with all due respect; sorry to say, is self conceited or does not trust the one he had earlier recommended to BUHARI as the most competent of all his loyalists then, and which indeed the Professor has acquitted himself creditably well in all department assigned to him by Mr. President. And to which Mr. President himself has said so openly many times over in different occasions that “his vice is a trustworthy man whom he will be pleased to succeed him”. Conversely therefore, in averment to that impression, there could be something the Jagaban himself thought he maybe able to do more better in the present circumstance than the current Vice President Prof. Osinbajo would, if he is made the president…who knows?
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WE should therefore not concern ourselves nor believe the horrible stories coming from the presidency involving all sorts of innuendos or permutation meant to smear the hardened reputation of the Vice President. We should discountenance the negative angle brought into whatever it is that goes on at the presidency’s as alleged owing to what they had accused the Vice President or so it seems, of what they claimed he did during the short period he assumed office as President of the country when Buhari was away to England for treatment. Its just a hoax. All the stories making the round usually of a possible rift between the two occupants of “Aso Rock” the country’s seat of government is unfounded. And therefore should be discountenanced as cheap blackmail.
SO what exactly is the problems of the Jagaban or any of those Yoruba turncoat political gladiators who are out there making unsubstantiated noises of how suitable Alhaji Bola Tinubu is to succeed BUHARI when indeed there is on ground still, a “Professor Yemi Osinbajo” as Vice President to contain with. And who, rightly or wrongly is today the second in command to the current occupier of Aso Rock Villa?
I LEAVE all that to your judgement as members of the ruling APC and indeed the voting public of fellow Nigerians to decide. Would you, or won’t you?
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MEANWHILE, don’t you forget that I, Comrade Obi Offiong Ojage is the best choice for the position of National Publicity Secretary of our great party APC, from the South South Zone with track record of performance in that field. Doggedly proven with razzmatazz, if the party truly rewards loyalty. And not given to sycophants and lier’s but those with something to show like myself. I didn’t just come. I have been on this lane for years writing to prove myself worthy of acceptance as the right person for the job of National Publicity Secretary. Now the position has offered itself. It can’t just be only those from the West or Middle Belttans who should always occupy such positions. We from the South South zone deserve it too. This is why I have come.
AND as one who has sacrificed so much thanklessly, using my time and resources in propagating the party and in defense of President Mohammadu Buhari who is the leader of the party from dissident groups and those sponsored as Jobs-men to smear his hard earned reputation under the guise of opposition. Done for purposes of bringing down the government under his leadership. And I have been consistent in my defense. My works are all there in the public domain as a true party man. Talk is cheap!
“End Time Message”.
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