Nairobi police have arrested a man after allegedly super gluing his wife private part, after inserting a lot of pepper in her private part.
The Director of Criminal investigation has arrest the man that glued his wife’s genital with glue after inserting pepper, the man was arrested after in hideout in Kutui.
According to DCI the jealous man was said to have requested his wife to narrate to him the number of men the wife has slept with after the man travelled to Nairobi.
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On being hesitant, the wife was beaten by the husband who also sprayed pepper, salt and super glue on her genitalia and later used a knife to push the content inside her private part.
The man was further said to have sealed her mouth and ears and left her for dead. This inhuman act was performed in front of his 3 years old child who alerted the neighbors by his screams.
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The DCI has stated that the man will be charged according to the law for his inhuman act on his wife.
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