The fact is beginning to emerge on how the 12-year-old Sylvester Oromoni was allegedly beaten to death because he refused to join Cult at the DOWEN COLLEGE, Lekki, Lagos.
The names given to Sylvester was shortened to ‘Sly’ while the Senior boys who came to attack him were given as Favour who was said to be the ringleader followed by Michael and Anslem.
For security reasons, Sylvester’s roommate did not identity himself for fear of attack by the Management because they all knew what actually happened but they deliberately hide the truth. He said they did not play football during the particular week.
The Witness said they were in their room when Favour led five others into their room and took on SLY while they were chased out. Sly according to him fell from the ‘bunk’. After beating him they called them in with a warning while Anslem kicked SLY in the head again.
On Sunday morning, he said SLY could not walk and Seniors came to warm them again and said if anyone ask about what happened they should lie that he played football.
The Witness went further that the Dorm Master knew there was a beating he said he doesn’t know why he was lying in the Social Media.
This statement couldn’t have been a cooked up story. It should be investigated if the names mentioned are actually students in the school.
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This boy should be withdrawn from that school as a first measure. But in the whole, the school must be closed down until it’s has refined itself.