Fidelity Bank adamant, refuses to settle out of court with 12 ex-Staff

Fidelity Bank Plc.
Fidelity Bank Plc.
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Everyone at the National Industrial Court, Lagos on June 11, 2018 were amazed when Fidelity Bank Counsel made a u-turn to the agreement reached to settle out of court with 12 ex-Fidelity Bank fighting for their retirement benefits.

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It would be recalled that at their last hearing the Judge advised that the bank should meet with the staff counsel to settle out of court. The decision was agreed by both parties.
The staff and their counsel were surprised to hear when Fidelity Bank counsel made U-turn to pursue the case to its logical conclusion.
The excuse given by the bank was, if the case is settled out of court all other staff who have been sacked and those still serving will also demand for settlement.
The fear of giving staff their rightful benefits propelled the bank to forge ahead.

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One of the aggrieved ex-Fidelity staff said, “We were there , the judge came.
The last agreement was to settle out of court, but the bank lawyer said yesterday (June 11, 2018), with the fact that, if they settle out of court it will aggravate all the other staff to also come and start demanding what is not.”
“Now Fidelity lawyer is trying to defend the bank, that the ex-Fidelity staff that were claimant do not have employment letter, and are not staff. So why are they claiming what is not.”
“Our lawyer got up with anger and start defending our case.”
“The lawyer said they were not staff, but you gave them 10-15yrs award, you congratulated them. Why are they changing the goal post now?

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“The Judge is now fully interested in the case, she wants to now read the full details of all the petitions raised in the defense.
“Now she said the case will be adjourned till July 17, 2018.
So that she will read the whole story.
“We are hopeful that, this will open the judge’s mind to the criminal deed that the bank has been doing.
“Our lawyer really spoke out very well and made the judge to know that this is injustice.

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“Meanwhile, in the financial book for 2015 & 2016, the bank recorded 9billion 431million….and some fraction (9,431,….) As staff benefits that the bank had as funds with them but refused to pay it out to staff.”
The case was adjourned to July 17, 2018 for the continuation of the case. (c) June 16, 2018

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