GOVERNOR Adeleke Visits OAU, Promises To Pay Medical Bills Of Students Injured In Amphitheatre Incident

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The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke, has promised to pay all the medical bills of students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, who were injured in the Amphitheatre incident that occured on Thursday, May 16, 2024.



The students are receiving treatment in the University Health and Medical Centre and the Teaching Hospital Complex of the University.



Speaking through his Commissioner for Education, Dipo Eluwole, Governor Adeleke sympathized with the Management of the University and the parents of the affected students on the unfortunate incident.



A release made available to SOJ WORLDWIDE by the Public Relations Officer of the University, Mr. Abiodun Olarewaju, he stated that the Commissioner for Education who was conducted round the scene of the incident at the Amphitheatre by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Simeon BAMIRE, and other principal officers of the University, also visited the two health facilities where the students were receiving treatment.

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Elated that the affected students were responding to treatment, Honourable Dipo Eluwole, who was accompanied by the Permanent Secretary of Osun State Ministry of Education, lauded the University Management for its quick response to the emergency and prompt medical attention given to the students.



Speaking to the four students being treated at the University Health and Medical Centre, the Commissioner commended their bravery and wished them quick recovery.



At the Neurological ward of the University teaching hospital where two other students were being treated, Honourable Dipo Eluwole pleaded with their parents to see what happened as a natural occurrence, adding that torrential rain, harsh harmattan and scorching sun are an act of God which are not within the dictate of any homosapien.

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He, thereafter, informed the Vice Chancellor that the Governor Adeleke, has pledged to bankroll all medical expenses that may be incurred in the course of treatment of the students.



Responding, the Vice Chancellor of OAU, Professor Adebayo Simeon BAMIRE, thanked the Governor Adeleke for being so kind and loving, stressing that his fatherly roles to the students and the good people of Osun State is commendable.



Professor Bamire,then, prayed for more divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding for Governor Adeleke with sound health so that he would be able to take Osun State to much greater heights.



It will be recalled that a torrential rainfall of early Thursday morning, accompanied with a whirlwind, which started as students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, were having a lecture in the Amphitheatre of the Oduduwa Hall, affected a part of the ceiling of the Amphitheatre as it fell off and injured a few of the students.

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