INSIDE LIFE: FOUR Siblings Did Their DNA For Fun But Got The Shock Of Their Lives With The Result

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FOUR children of the same parents jokingly approached the hospital for DNA only to see the result they did not bargain for.



My siblings and I decided to jokingly take a DNA test on ourselves to see if we are our father’s children. This didn’t come as a serious topic, we just decided to do it.

We are four in number, two men and two ladies. I’m the oldest (31 years old) and the youngest of us is 23 years old.

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Our father turned exactly 60 February this year and our mom is 57 years old.

We didn’t take the DNA test because we suspected anything, we were just doing it for fun.

Unfortunately, the results that came showed that apart from our last born (the girl that’s 23), none of us belongs to our father. We did the test again in another facility and had the same result.

This isn’t the time to break our father’s heart and destroy our family so we decided to keep the results to ourselves and pretend we all are our father’s.

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But we confronted our mother and she said we shouldn’t tell our father. She also said the man who’s our father is dead, he was the man she was seeing before meeting our father. She cried and begged us not to tell our dad anything.

We don’t want to hurt our dad, so we’ve kept this from him but it breaks our hearts, especially mine to see that, that man went through thick and thin to get us to where we are today.

I saw him struggle so much when I was growing up. I keep wondering why my mom would do such a thing to him cuz he’s a good man

Though we are keeping this from him, I’ve just been thinking so much. I don’t know what to do. He loves us. He gave up his life and joy for us. I’ve just been crying on his behalf, and I don’t know but I just suddenly h@te our mother!


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  1. You ask what should you do, just leave the issue the ways you met it, since your present dad lives you so much, so he is your dad forever. Because may be if it’s your real father he may no likes you the ways your present dad loves you. So cry no more and face the reality and tells no relatives or friends or even anymore about it because it will break up your siblings apart and that will be a terrible things you have done to damage that sweet family. Which you are the real breakers and destroyer not your mum again. Leave your mum with God please. In life everyone as a challenges and problems is just that how it occurs and happening to one in life is just too different in this world. So cry no more you are a happy person and happy siblings and don’t fight your mum at at please make her happy instead Allah knows best and is the best judges

  2. Hmmmmm…What a strange World! I’m not surprised anyway. There is nothing new under the sun. It has happened, and it has happened. The question is that :’What kind of example has the mother laid for the children particularly the female ones? Very shameful indeed! My advice to the children is that they forgive their mother and leave everything to GOD to judge. As for the man,treat him as your father till death do you part. Since he never failed in his duty as a responsible father,telling him about the result of the DNA may send him to early grave. As for your biological father,your mother knows the truth. She may as well be telling lies that he’s dead to cover her secret sins.And since the man has not come out publicly to lay claim on you,please,stay focus and don’t be so bothered even though this may give you sleepless nights and psychological torture. Trust in GOD and his plan for your lives. Remember, you are in God’s original plan.

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