Seyi Makinde’s Vituperation
In his infantile concoction and imagination, the Lone Ranger in South West Nigerian politics , Seyi Makinde exhibits laughable exuberance that at best can only be taken as the hallucination of a drunken moron when he says Lagos APC should be ready for defeat in 2023.
His chance victory in his state obviously beclouds his sanity hence his tall dream and wild goose chase of the north east whirlwind.
Whatever gives Seyi Makinde this inordinate imagination or expectation, it is obvious he is bereft of the dynamics and workings of grassroots politics generally and that of Lagos in particular.
In Lagos, we do not play ‘amala politics’. Ours is practical politics of mass mobilization hinged on good governance and extensively humane cum people centered administrative style which delves on good for the overwhelming majority of the populace.
The unclear premise for his outpouring makes it even imbecilic in outlook. What makes him think Lagos can be a cheap pie ? He should ask his bereaved brethren in Lagos PDP what fate of colossal loss they have suffered for over 20 years now.
Makinde ought to be reminded if he does not know or is merely feigning ignorance that his Lagos prodigious PDP charlatans are a terribly broken and shattered piece. Seyi should be told It will be easier cleaning the Augean’s table than bringing PDP back from it’s current moribund state.
Lagos PDP is simply an association of ‘money-making and money-sharing’ lot who smile to the bank at every four years. They simply grab campaign funds, fight themselves and simply disappear into thin air only to resurface for another feast in another four years.
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Let Seyi Makinde empty the treasury of his state into the coffers of Lagos PDP to fight the 2023 elections here, himself and his cohorts will be trounced and humiliated.
He should be told the tales of Jonathan, George, Atiku, Obi, Agbaje and their dollars. He should also ask Obasanjo about Lagos.
The man Seyi Makinde needs some orientation and ultimate thorough schooling in politics. Or what is his political antecedence ?. Arrant Nonsense !
Lanre Ogunyemi
APC Lagos State
Learn To Be Humble – Seye Oladejo
My candid advice to Gov Seyi Makinde is this Igbo proverb that ‘those whose palm kernels were broken for them by some benevolent spirit should learn to be humble’.
His Excellency is apparently still excited that he managed to attain his dream office after series of electoral defeats. He needs not forget that he leveraged on the storm in the Oyo state APC family.
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However. his lack of experience in governance at any level has become apparent with nine months of false starts and lack of developmental ideas. It will take more than the still-born unity amongst gangsters to take Lagos State from the path of progressive governance.
However, it appears HE Seyi Makinde has the spirit of clairvoyance through which he’s able to predict his political future of imminent defeat in future elections. He could boost his democratic credentials by obeying court orders as regards the issue of local government chairmen.
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Those he disappointed in their ill-conceived desperate power sharing formula are still waiting to take their pound of flesh. The good and politically sophisticated people of Oyo state know better than to allow unfocused experimentation in governance to continue.
Seye Oladejo
Publicity Secretary
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