MFM PMCH AUGUST 2024: PURSUE, Overtake And Recover All

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Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) Power Must Change Hands (PMCH) for August will hold its worldwide program on Saturday, August 3, 2024 at the PRAYER CITY and every branch of MFM Worldwide.

The program will be anchored by the General Overseer of the MFM Worldwide, Dr. D.K. Olukoya.

You can connect to watch the live program from 7.00 am on Facebook, YouTube, MFM TV, and other social media networks. Come fasting!



From this August 2024, every defilement of darkness shall no longer pursue my destiny; it shall expire today, in the name of Jesus.

2. Any arrow fired at me to expose me to any financial loss shall leave my life today and go back to its sender by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

3. O God, arise in the thunder of Your power and consume the poverty of my father’s house today, in the name of Jesus.

4. O God, arise and make my enemies become food for themselves, in Jesus’ name.

5. Fire of deliverance, arise today and destroy every embargo placed on my prosperity, in the name of Jesus.

6. O God, arise today and put the enemies of my destiny into the disaster they can never escape from, in the name of Jesus.

7. My Father, by Your mercy, let the weapons of war of my enemies begin to turn against them, in the name of Jesus.

READ ALSO:   MFM PMCH JUNE 2024: Deep Deliverance (Part 3) At The Prayer City


3 John 2: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Philippians 1:6: Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
John 10:10: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Colossians 1:13: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated
us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
1 Corinthians 4:20: For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
1 Corinthians 6:14: And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his
own power.
Ephesians 3:20: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.



1. O God, arise and uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and
Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
2. O God, let the fire of revival fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries,
in the name of Jesus.
3. O God, send confusion against every power assigned to waste my prosperity, in the
name of Jesus.
4. Every good book of remembrance that my enemies have closed against me, hear
the Word of the Lord, open by fire now, in the name of Jesus.
5. My long-expected breakthroughs, where are you? Before the end of this
programme, locate me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
6. Lord, let the thunder of God locate and destroy the power that said I will not enjoy
my life, in the name of Jesus.
7. Any power accepting evil assignment against my moving forward, here is your burial ground; fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.




1. O God, arise and uproot anything You did not plant, inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
3. O God, let the power of peace and progress, overshadow this nation, in Jesus’ name.
4. O God, arise and give us God-fearing leaders, in the name of Jesus.
5. I thank You, God, for making provision for my prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
6. O God, give me Your divine anointing for prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
7. O God, move me from where I am now to where You want me to be, in the name of Jesus.
8. I refuse to be blind to my divine opportunities, in the mighty name of Jesus.
9. Every internal robber of good things in my life, be exposed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
10. Every stone placed on my moving forward, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
11. This month, my turn-around breakthroughs shall break forth, in the name of Jesus.
12. I bind the spirit of poverty in every department of my life, in the name of Jesus.
13. Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise and empower me for uncommon breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
14. Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Move me forward by fire, in the name of Jesus.
15. O God, arise by Your power and make way for me where there is no way, in the name of Jesus.
16. O God, arise by Your power and let my uncommon prosperity manifest, in the name of Jesus.
17. Every evil head raised to suppress my destiny, I pull you down by the power of the God of Elijah, in the name of Jesus.
18. Every Haman power assigned to threaten my existence, die, in the name of Jesus.
19. My Father, cause the heavens of my prosperity to open now, in the name of Jesus.
20. O God of possibilities, empower my life above the desires of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
21. My Father, let the rain of my breakthroughs begin to fall, in the name of Jesus.
22. O God of Elijah, arise and provoke my showers of breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
23. O God of Elijah, arise and provoke my rain of uncommon breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
24. O God of Elijah, arise and provoke my Jordan to divide, in the name of Jesus.
25. Powers that push sinful friends to me to confuse and pollute my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
26. Powers that put a negative aura around my life against my blessings, lose your hold and die, in the name of Jesus.
27. Powers that make one lose breakthroughs by irritation and anger, I am not your victim; die, in the name of Jesus.
28. Powers that push good helpers away from me, be disgraced by fire, in the name of Jesus.
29. Powers that swallow opportunities, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.
30. Powers assigned to nullify my favour, your time is up; die, in the name of Jesus.
31. Powers that invite unexplainable hatred against me, Lion of Judah, consume them now, in the name of Jesus.
32. Powers that rage when I am close to my breakthroughs, your time expires today; die, in the name of Jesus.
33. Powers that remove names from profitable lists, I am not your victim, lose your power and die, in the name of Jesus.
34. Powers that cause chaos when it is my time to shine, you are liars, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
35. Anything in my life that is cooperating with financial losses, die, in the name of Jesus.
36. Every curse and covenant of sleepy blessings, break by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
37. Every anchor of financial losses in my life, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
38. Every programme of slippery blessings, die, in the name of Jesus.
39. All power within and around me behind losses in my life, be exposed and die, in the name of Jesus.

40. Every evil altar assigned against my blessings, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.



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